
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome to the official announcement...

Well folks.  It never takes very long with us.  Honestly, I marvel at my own fertility.  Yes, I am pregnant.  Again.  Already. We have been blessed with the ability to conceive a child within hours... it seems... of making the decision to try.  This is my fourth time being pregnant (did you know I miscarried my first?) and it was instantaneous each time.  I've known about this one since week 3, and it's been so hard to let it become real to me.  Last week I saw the heartbeat for the first time, and that helped make it real.  I am so thankful for that little heart that's beating.  oh God, please dont let this baby die.       

I'm closing in on week 9?  week 10?  I'm really not keeping track this time.  I've been too miserably nauseaus and sick to pay attention.  Seriously... it's been BAD this time.  I've never felt so gross with a pregnancy before.  It's not fair, really.  Not fair at all. 

My heart still aches for my son, and now I have a new one to grow.  So many emotions... I'm not even going to try to explain.    

I'm due in August, on our 10 year anniversary.  I get to be pregnant through the summer, again.  Yay.  Yes, we will find out what this one is.  I'm not one that can wait to find out, especially not this time.  Whether it's a girl or boy, I'm going to have emotional issues that I'll need to be prepared for. 

Once upon a time, Jordan and I strongly believed we were meant to raise girls.  But then we had Hudson.  And, Hudson wasnt meant to stay.  My instinct tells me this is another girl.  Because perhaps we were right after all.  Maybe we are meant to raise girls, just as we thought.  I dont know.  Time will tell, I've got a couple months before we'll know. 

Anyway, for those who dont know, here it is.  We're officially having another baby.